
  1. take air into the lungs and then expel it, esp. as a regular physiological process
  2. Place your hands on your lower rib cage so your elbows stick out to each side. Can you push your elbows further out toward the side walls using your breath? (Not your muscles!)  Practice until you can. This is called diaphragmatic breathing and will put more oxygen flowing through the blood stream to nourish the whole body.  
  3.  This is not a relaxing breath. It is used when action or clarity of mind are needed. 

Snow Shovel Back Ache?

Why did shoveling snow give me a backache? I am in good shape and work out 2-3 times a week?

Shoveling snow uses different muscles or maybe the same muscles in a different way than a fitness work out.  This is where using your mind can help your body! When about to perform an activity that is not in your usual day to day routine….stop before you start. Move your body slowly  in a way that mimics the new action for at least 30 seconds to warm up the muscles.  Doing this will:

  • Put both the nervous system and the musculature on notice to work together optimally
  • Pump more blood into the target muscles providing increased fuel and oxygen
  • Contract the area repeatedly to get lymphatic flow moving through more quickly to remove toxins
  • Set you up to complete your task more mindfully
  • Open communication for those muscles to let you know when you’ve had enough

When you are finished working,  last but not least…stretch!  the area of your body called upon to do the work.

Following these two simple tips can make shoveling snow just another part of your fitness routine.  Enjoy this winter weather!